Sunday, September 04, 2005

Where the hell have I been??

I ask myself this a lot lately. I have no concrete answers. None at all. The desire to write just left me. It flew away for a few weeks. But I feel like It's coming back a bit. We'll see.

So much has happened over the last few weeks. My usual problem with Time Warner cable has continued. Yes, believe it! This time though, I finally have an answer. Some cheap fuck who lives in the apartment building next door to me put a splitter on MY cable line so that he may have free cable. My cable line is on the roof and the buildings are attached so it's very easy for someone to go to their roof and just walk over to mine. Fucker. All one has to do after the nifty little splitter is attached is run the cable line into their apartment, buy a modem, attach the cable to the modem and hell, while you're at it, attach it to your tv as well and there you have it! Free cable tv and internet.

So, his theivery is fucking with my signal, thereby interupting with my service. The only solution is for Time Warner to run my line into the backyard. The problem with this is they need to have access to the backyard AND to the illegal basement apartment below me where a woman who speaks very little english resides. My spanish is very basic and it would be nearly impossible for me to explain all of this to her. The other problem is that in order to get to the backyard, I have to go through my neighbor's apartment who lives behind me. What does this all mean? It means I have to try and coordiante a time when they are both home. I have to ask them to stay home for 4 fuckin hours, since that it the usual window of time given, in order for Time Warner to come barging through their apartments so that I may have a stable internet and digital phone connection. you think this will really happen?

I have done one thing to combat the fucker. I disconnected my wireless router and have gone back to using the ethernet cable. I had a feeling that since he was stealing everything else, he was no doubt using my wireless signal. Since I don't know how to make it a secured connection anyone one can use it. Not anymore! And you know...since I have done this, my connection has been stable. Haha! It does feel good, I tell you.

I have more stories to tell but need to ease back into this slooowwwly.

Oh, and I noticed that I have decided, without a doubt, that my cable thief is a guy. Something to think about.